Create a copy of the file changing controller

I have a big doubt: I am doing a project on RobotStudio and I have to produce various alternatives of this project. These alternatives have some parts in common, then I would like for example to do the first alternative and then do the second starting from the first one. The problem is that I think that if I just copy the station file and I rename it, the controllers will still be the same. Then modifying the code in the second alternative I will modify also the code of the first one. Am I right? And how can I solve this issue?
Thank you a lot!


  • I normally save as instead of copying and renaming - but yes the connected virtual controller will be the same.

    You will need to create a virtual controller for each revision if you want each station to run independently -make sure they have the same RobotWare version and options.
    Take a backup of the controller in the original station, then in the new station remove the current virtual controller (right click on the controller in the controller tab) and add the new controller (home tab-> virtual controller button->existing controller).

    If the station stays the same and you could save a backup of each alternative and restore them to be able to run each alternative.
    Another option is to save a pack and go (file->share) of each alternative - would still keep a backup of each  just in case.