Synchronize data sample at fixed frequency

Hi everyone!

I'm very new about this forum and for sure I'm an entry-level in using RobotStudio and ABB products, so forgive in advance for the (maybe) naive question!

My program consists of two tasks: the first one manages the EGM controller and the other one has the only task to dump some data that I previously defined as Signal I/O (jointTorque, motorTorque, jointPos, motorPos of the robot, an ABB IRB 2600) and that I can see from the Signal Visualizer pretty well.
By the way, by observing the output exported in .xlsx file, I noticed that the samples (the "time" column that I'm not managing on my own in some way) are not equally spaced so, the sampling is not occurring at a fixed frequency, apparently. This is a very main requirement for our application so I want to gently ask you if there is a way to set a fixed sampling time (for example every 4 ms) among each data.

Thanks in advance for your time and consideration!


  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    You probably will not get 4 ms., too short a time.  What I would recommend though, is to use a timed interrupt.  Look up ITimer in the reference manual.
    Lee Justice