ABB Robot Web Services

Hello all,

how can I write - e.g. a signal value - from a rapid code on the controller to a web service client (my PC)? Would I have to write a loop in my software and periodically check the value? This would produce a lot of unnecessary traffic.  Or do i misunderstand something?

Thanks for help!

Best Answers


  • Thanks Maxim,

    I tried the example of your video (thanks for the effort!!) and they run via robotstudio. But wen I send the request to the controller I get the error: "Error: connect ECONNREFUSED".

    Is this on a different port or do i need to buy the WebService option first? FTP, NFS is working fine.


  • Hello,

    On your PC you would create a subscription (for example via Robot Web Services) to a signal in the controller.

    Look for information on subscriptions to signals.
    Can you give me a sample code?  I tried,but it was wrong.Thank you
  • @Sample the sample code is available on these forums.

    @duesentrieb66 do you have PC Interface option on your RC?

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Yes, I do
  • I just scanned the ports and it looks like only 21 and 111 is open. Where would I open the port 80? There is no firewall between. laptop is directly hooked up to the RC.

  • @Sample the sample code is available on these forums.

    @duesentrieb66 do you have PC Interface option on your RC?
    I found a subscription operation written in C# on the forum, but it is not suitable for remote mobile. I don't see the subscription code written in javescript or HTML. Is there any corresponding code to read the subscribed data?
    Can you send it to me if you have it?thank you
  • Unfortunately there is no such code written in java or html.
    Perhaps you could create a new thread asking the community for assistance?

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Unfortunately there is no such code written in java or html.
    Perhaps you could create a new thread asking the community for assistance?
    Ok, I tried to post a question