Failed for eth0 when startup the ABB robot

edited July 2020 in RobotStudio
My 4600-60kg ABB robot stuck in the "Connecting to the robot controller" phase for ever since 2 days back. I have tried to plug SD card and pandent in another 4600, they worked fine. The status light keeps flashing blue light, and I am not able to connect robot to robotstudio. I checked BSDiagnostics Data, it says "osNetIfWaitForRunning failed for eth0, status = 0" and "Failed to start communication with switch 4 times." Could anyone please give me some advice how can I fix it or anything else I can try? Thanks in advance. I attached BSDiagnostics file.


  • Liam
    Liam admin
    Hi Hewise,

    I recommend that you contact your local ABB who can provide support with this issue, contact information can be found at

    Best regards,
  • Hewise
    edited July 2020
    Liam_ABB said:
    Hi Hewise,

    I recommend that you contact your local ABB who can provide support with this issue, contact information can be found at

    Best regards,
    Thanks Liam, I have contacted with them, they recommonded to change the mother board, but it is the last step I want to take, I am hoping to fix it by myself.

    Best regards!