position data as group input to irc5

Is there any function in rapid, which can be used to collect position data from Siemens PLC. I wants to supervise the position of job using plc and plc will send the position coordinates to irc5 (as a Group Input). which could then be used to generate offset by known value.
PLC S7-1200 is alraedy mapped to IRC5 using anybus gateway (profinet master/devicenet slave mode). 
any help in this..


  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Actual robtargets from PLC or offsets to positions?  A robtarget contains a lot of data.
    Lee Justice
  • robtarget as per my understanding gives actual position of robot and external axis (controlled by irc5). i want get CRob data from irc5 send it to PLC as group output. PLC will use vision system to gather data of actual position of job. calculate the position data. compare it with robot sent current position data. and generates some offset needed to reach exact (actual) location.
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Typically the robot just "talks" to the vision system to get offsets.  PLC as the middle link only makes it more complicated.
    Lee Justice
  • agreed. but sir, in direct talk with vision system. how the robot will understand the input from vision system without any prior calculations to make a suitable offset.
    any guide. i am badly stuck in this problem. needs some calculated offset movement by robot.

  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Usually the vision system is calibrated with the robot so that they both use the same reference frame, 0,0,0 if you will.  Then the vision makes adjustment from the reference frame to the robot.  The communication to and from robot and camera depends mostly on what the camera is capable of.  Ethernet, serial, whatever.  Then you will have to take in the offset data and use it to adjust what might be a pick position.  One common way is to write that offset into the oframe of the workobject.
    Lee Justice