ABB IRC5 with Omron Plc via Ethernet/IP

This will be my first time of working with ABB robots..please forgive if my questions are silly.
I will be using an IRC5 controller with an Ethernet/IP fieldbus adapter. When I added the robot to my plc using the eds file it came in as 64 Bytes for inputs and 64 bytes for Outputs. I have checked the system inputs and outputs in robotstudio and here are my questions:

1. How do I map these system inputs and outputs to my PLC tag (64 Bytes I/O)?

2. Like other robots I have worked with were we need to trigger specific inputs (like IMPSTP) before the robot can cycle...can someone tell me more about the specific system inputs that need to be triggered in ABB  and the timing



  • 1.  I don't do PLC's.  You can have up to 64 in/out, but don't have to use all that if you don't need it.  2. Look in the system parameter manual, you will find system inputs and outputs description and guidance there.  
    Lee Justice
  • lemster68 said:
    1.  I don't do PLC's.  You can have up to 64 in/out, but don't have to use all that if you don't need it.  2. Look in the system parameter manual, you will find system inputs and outputs description and guidance there.  
    Thank you Lee,
    Can these system inputs and outputs be wired to the external I/O? I have gone through the parameter list and my confusion is how to access the system inputs and outputs through the PLC

  • Yes the System inputs and outputs are assigned to a configured I/O signal.
    This can be on an I/O unit connected to the robot controller (hardwired to the PLC inputs and outputs), or via say Ethernet communication direct to the PLC.
  • Thank you graemepaulin.
    So I will just use the configured I/O signal name in the system input. Is there any other step?
    Sorry, I am still learning!
  • No that is it - controller restart need to apply the changes :-)
  • Thank you graemepaulin