Filtered/Unfiltered inputs

Hi. Some times i need to use the same signal in different ways.
Say i need to use it with at filter time sometimes.
what i would like to do, is something like
 -Name "DI_PHOTO_VERT" -SignalType "DI" -Device "PN_Internal_Device"\
      -Label "Tool vertical photosensor" -DeviceMap "32" -Access "All"
 -Name "DI_PHOTO_VERT_DEB" -SignalType "DI"\
      -Label "Tool vertical photosensor" -Device "PN_Internal_Device"\
      -Label "Tool vertical photosensor slow" -DeviceMap "32" -Access "All"\
      -FiltPas 100 -FiltAct 100
This is not allowed, as its the same signal
Then i tried
      -Name "Debounce_DI_PHOTO_VERT" -Res "DI_PHOTO_VERT_DEB"\
      -Act1 "DI_PHOTO_VERT"
 -Name "DI_PHOTO_VERT" -SignalType "DI" -Device "PN_Internal_Device"\
      -Label "Tool vertical photosensor" -DeviceMap "32" -Access "All"
 -Name "DI_PHOTO_VERT_DEB" -SignalType "DI"\
      -Label "Tool vertical photosensor"\
      -Label "Tool vertical photosensor slow" -Access "All"\
      -FiltPas 100 -FiltAct 100
Also no go. As the signal isn't filtered.

Is there any way of blowing with flour in our mouth on this one ?


  • In the case of filtering of the signal coming on, for example;
      WaitDI Mysignal, ON;
      WaitDI MySignal, OFF\MaxTime:=.1;
      WaitDI MySignal, ON;

    Lee Justice
  • It just occurred to me that you could make it look a lot cleaner by putting those in a routine into which you pass the signal as a parameter.
    Lee Justice
  • You could also send the filter time as a parameter as well.
    Lee Justice
  • My problem is, im using the signal in a search.
    And depending on what the background is i'm getting fake positives, as the sensor "blinks"
  • Then maybe there are some tuning possibilities on the sensor itself?  Or perhaps you need a different sensor.
    Lee Justice