Robot Studio License


I was curious if there is any way to temporarily take the floating license home so you can work at home instead of having to be connected to the network and then the next day you come back to work put it back on the network so others can do their work if this is possible



  • Hello Dustin,

    You presently must be connected to your network. At the RS 5.08 Forum it was mentioned that a future release of RS licensing will allow licenses to be "checked out".


    Jim Proulx

  • That is good to know thank you!

    dh_custompak2010-05-30 04:42:05
  • Hello Dustin.

    RobotStudio Network (floating) license does already have the option  to "check-out" (commute) a license from the server, if you want to use RobotStudio on travel or other when you are not connected to the network.

    All this and how to do is explained in the help file that you can find here after installation: C:Program FilesCommon FilesABB Industrial ITRobotics ITLicensingHelpen

    See "How to get Floating/Commuter License Key" chapter

    Tonje Sandberg
    Service Training Coordinator
    ABB AB / Robotics Products