Rapid command for wrist down


I have searched for a Rapid command for moving the robot in the wrist down configuration. Is there a command for this?


  • No, you simply program your motions in the manner that you want.
    Lee Justice
  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    Look at the confdata values.
    Technical reference manual RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types
    You have this data in your robtarget:


    robot configuration

    Data type: confdata

    The axis configuration of the robot (cf1, cf4, cf6, and cfx). This is defined in the form of the current quarter revolution of axis 1, axis 4, and axis 6. The first positive quarter revolution 0 to 90° is defined as 0. The meaning of the component cfx is dependent on robot type.

    For more information, see data type confdata.

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