Does a system backup also backup encoded modules?

I've been trying to restore my virtual controller so it is identical to my physical one but I keep getting semantic errors because the encoded modules don't seem to be transferring over. Is this to be expected? 


  • AFAIK they should, but will be encrypted.  Clarify please if there are semantic or syntax errors.  I would expect syntax errors if code is missing from modules not present.
    Lee Justice
  • I have both syntax errors and semantic errors, not sure why my backup is not transferring all of the modules, but there are definitely at least a dozen modules that are missing when I restore the virtual flex pendant. 
  • Can you resolve it by loading the missing modules?  Also, try to save the questionable modules alone.  That would be a good test.
    Lee Justice
  • I have tried to do this by individually selecting the missing modules, right click on "save module as" and placing it in the appropriate folder. However, I still can't seem to see the module in RobotStudio after I've placed the files. I tried restarting the virtual controller, but the files are still missing. 
  • Try saving on the real controller please.
    Lee Justice
  • The real controller contains the files that I need to be on the virtual one, I am trying to make the virtual controller identical to the real one so I can program offline. 
  • Right, but I am trying to see if there is a problem getting those files in the first place.  Also, have you tried loading from the virtual pendant in the program editor?
    Lee Justice
  • I have, but they don't appear among my list of modules, maybe because it is encoded? I tried simply copying the file from one directory to the other by right clicking my virtual system in Robot Studio and selecting "Open Controller Folder" and then placing the encoded modules in there, but it still doesn't seem to show up. 
  • Look in your SYS.cfg and look to see if any modules have "Hidden" attribute.
    Lee Justice
  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    To restore modules from backup, they have to be in BACKINFO/backinfo.txt file.
    >>TASK1: (T_ROB1,,)
    SYSMOD/user.sys @

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group

  • lemster68 said:
    Look in your SYS.cfg and look to see if any modules have "Hidden" attribute.
    Good idea. I checked and there is one module with the hidden attribute, but it doesn't seem to be related to the missing modules.

    DenisFR said:
    To restore modules from backup, they have to be in BACKINFO/backinfo.txt file.
    >>TASK1: (T_ROB1,,)
    SYSMOD/user.sys @

    Would it be wise to manually enter the missing modules into this txt file or simply retry the backup process?
  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    Check if they are inside, else add them.

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group

  • DenisFR said:
    Check if they are inside, else add them.
    This works, thank you
  • Weird..I got all of the encoded modules that drive the Force Control into the virtual controller by modifying backinfo.txt file and they all appear to have been loaded successfully, but for whatever reason the FCGetForce(); function is completely broken. So hard to troubleshoot reference errors when I can't even view the module..
  • To clarify, the virtual controller is having reference errors calling fcforcevector as a VAR type. See images below

    actual controller:

    virtual controller:

  • From the application manual on force control:


    No idea where I am going wrong here
  • My first thought is that you are still missing a module in which that data, possibly a record, is declared.  In the real controller, view data types, find that one, and it will tell you what module that it is declared inside.  You may not be able to view it, but it will tell you where it lives.
    Lee Justice
  • Very helpful! I've now found where it is declared, however it exists within an encoded module that already exists on my virtual controller. I compared the module with any other version of it that might exist on my PC and have only found what appear to be duplicates of the same module, given they are exactly the same file size. 
  • Whats strange is that I can view the data type fcforcevector on the virtual controller but it has no reference to the module the real controller is referencing
  • How did you create the virtual controller?
    Does it have all the options that the real controller has?
  • Good point Graeme, like Force control, in particular.
    Lee Justice
  • How did you create the virtual controller?
    Does it have all the options that the real controller has?

    Unfortunately I was not the one who created the virtual controller, my best guess would be the integrators from many years ago. How would I go about creating a brand new virtual controller? 
  • Create from backup, which version of robotware?  That will determine whether you use system builder or installation manager.
    Lee Justice
  • lemster68 said:
    Create from backup, which version of robotware?  That will determine whether you use system builder or installation manager.
  • lemster68 said:
    Create from backup, which version of robotware?  That will determine whether you use system builder or installation manager.
    Looks like I'll have to use System Builder. Thanks for your help
  • You are welcome.  I kind of thought that might be the case because you mentioned "years ago".
    Lee Justice
  • Was trying to create a new controller using System Builder this morning but was confronted with the error "The Media Pool does not contain the additional Option: RWMACHININGFCGUI. A system cannot be created from this back up." So I checked the file directory and found an XML file that referenced the RWMACHININGFCGUI  that indeed pointed to a place in my backup folder that did not exist. I found the correct directory on my real controller, and attempted to transfer the files over using File Transfer but I get "Access is Denied" whenever I try to transfer anything. I've been finding some posts on this forum that indicate the simulation is not possible for stations that use Force Control. Is this true? Why can I not transfer files from my controller to my PC to correct the error i'm getting from System Builder? 
  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    What is the path in controller?
    Is it located in Home?

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group

  • I was able to transfer the file I needed by logging in via an FTP client. I successfully created a new system, however it appears that I also need to create a new station to go with my system as all of my previous program modules and even the model of the robot itself has now disappeared. I imagine its just a matter of copying the files in the previous systems directory over to the new one.