CAD *.iam geometry from Inventor 2021

RobotStudio version: 20.2.9116.0 ("you have the latest version" descripion can be found in RS)
Autodesk Inventor 2021 version: Build 183, Realese 2021 - Date: Fri 02/21/2020

Problem description:

RobotStudio does not import *.iam CAD goemetries created in Inventor 2021 software. *iam files created with older version of Inventor are supported, but the latest not. Process of import ends up with an error: "The file version of 'xyz.iam' is not supported. See documentaion for supported formats and version".

Is it already known problem that mentioned RS version does not support latest *iam files? Is it planned to update RS soon for that?

Exporting geometries from RS to another format (*.STEP, *IGES for instance) is just a partial solution as those formats cannot be linked between RobotStudio and Inventor with "Linked Geometry" function for periodic geometry updates what is crucial for some projects. Already contacted with offcial Polish ABB support and I have been redirected here for further support.

Best regards, Michał Piotrowski.


  • Hi Michał,

    According to our 3rd party vendor (Spatial) Inventor 2021 is supported in their latest "hotfix", but not in the latest official release which is what we use in RobotStudio.
    I will check with product management if and when we should integrate the "hotfix" in RobotStudio.

    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    RobotStudio Team, ABB Robotics
  • Hi Johannes,

    Is there some update in that topic?

    Best regards, Michał Piotrowski