RobotStudio event

Import CAD geometry not working

Hi everyone,

I have a question regarding the RobotStudio SDK. I am trying to import a CAD-file. I used the examplecode ( adjusted for my folders etc.

One part in the code is obsolete according to VisualStudio. This is the part I am talking about:
            if (station.GraphicComponents.TryGetGraphicComponent(gc.Name, out gc))
The "station.Selection.Add(gc)" part is obsolete.

I can't find the code to replace this and if I comment it out and I open the rslib created by the build nothing apears.

Does anyone have an example code that works for me, or guide me in the right direction.

With Kind regards,


  • dnilsson
    dnilsson mod
    edited November 2020
    You are right,
    the command is obsolete please use ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio.Selection.SelectedObjects instead.
    if (station.GraphicComponents.TryGetGraphicComponent(gc.Name, out gc))

    Best regards,
  • Gustaffson
    edited November 2020
    Hi Daniel,

    Your sugestion works however the imported model still does not apear when I build the solution and open the rslib file that is generated. Is there something that I'm missing? When I disconect the smartcomponent from the libary in RS and edit the component, there is no import stated.
    This is the code added to the CodeBehind.cs:

           private static void ImportCADFiles()

                Project.UndoContext.BeginUndoStep("Import CAD Files");
                    Station station = Station.ActiveStation;

                    // The file to be loaded.
                    // NOTE: Be sure to change this to an existing file name!
                    String fileName = @TestModel.step; (TestModel.step is written with quotation marks befor and after but they don't show up here)

                    // Check if the file exists.
                    GraphicComponent gc = null;
                    if (File.Exists(fileName))
                        // Load the CAD file.
                        gc = Part.Load(fileName);

                        // Set the name of the GraphicComponent to the file name.
                        gc.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);

                        // Add the GraphicComponent to the station.

                        // Select the GraphicComponent.
                        if (station.GraphicComponents.TryGetGraphicComponent(gc.Name, out gc))
                            Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("Body selected"));
                        // If file name does not exists, print a warning message.
                        Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("Could not load '" + fileName + "'!"));

    Is there something I need to add somewhere else in order to actually import the file in RS?

    With kind regards,