Speeddata issue. Machining Powerpack 2019.05

I have been using the RS cam converter in the Machining Power Pack to convert g-code to rapid.
my problem is that every time I run the cam converter, it produces an ever increasing list of speeddata in the rapid code. Only one speeddata is called in the subsequent movement instructions but the code includes hundreds of speeddata declarations. The number of declarations increases each time I run a conversion.
In Cam Converter options, I have ticked the checkbox Options->Speed Info Settings->Apply this speed to all instructions. Speeddata is called as VNC1.
The move instructions all call VNC1 as speed(This is expected), however there are lots of speeddata declarations.
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?

Any guidance will be gratefully received!


  • How many speeddata declarations does it produce? What is the difference between each one? 
  • the conversion seems to retain previous declarations but then creates new ones (hundreds of them) but only calls one speeddata in the rapid move instructions exported. Only calling one speed in the move instructions is expected, because that is the option I have selected in the converter. The problem is the ever increasing list of declared speeddata.
  • I just checked one of the programs exported. It contained 2100 speed data declarations and only called one (vNC1) in the move instructions
  • nsadding said:
    I just checked one of the programs exported. It contained 2100 speed data declarations and only called one (vNC1) in the move instructions
    Are they all identical? I would try to run some tests to figure out whether or not its the GCODE you are converting to RAPID that is causing the issue or if it happens with any GCODE sent to the CamConverter. Try sending some very simple code through the CamConverter and see what happens. If all the speeddata declarations are not identical, are they increasing incrementally or is it completely random?