How to create a do from error messege

I'm trying to create an output signal from an error from i / o.
I sometimes get error 71058 (No contact whit I / O unit.) How can I create a trap or similar so I can get an output signal so the PLC can take care of it? it's an Irc5 Robot.
Regards Per


  • Does the robot stop program execution with an error?
    Lee Justice
  • yes it does. 
  • Well, if you have the controller set up with the system output for execution error, it ought to be turning that on.
    Lee Justice
  • Use IError to interrupt on a defined error. 

    ex:Motion Supervision error

      CONNECT intno1 WITH tColl;
      IError MOTION_ERR\ErrorId:=204, TYPE_ALL, intno1;