Controller Combination Unsupported - Task Required

Hello. I have downloaded RobotStudio to my work laptop (not networked) which I am using at my home address & have tried to install a Virtual Controller (as I have done before on networked PC's at work). In the 'Create Controller from Layout' option - once I have put a robot on the solution - it is looking for controllers in Robotware 7.0.4 & the next page shows an unsupported combination warning - the next page then continuously asks for Tasks. My colleagues also have this problem on their home based laptops. Any ideas please?


  • 7 and up is omnicore controller, right?  Is that what you are intending to create?
    Lee Justice
  • I'll be honest - I'm not sure if it is omnicore. I just need to create a generic virtual controller to accompany the chosen robot (i have tried a few different IRB robots - same problem for all). This is purely for simulation as well.
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2020
    Go to the Addons tab and add some older Robotware6.xx versions, then try again using that robotware.
    Lee Justice
  • That cured the problem - thank you very much  :) - I'm indebted to you! I will show this fix to my colleagues next week. Have a great weekend!
  • Great.  You are welcome, and have a good one yourself.
    Lee Justice