Cannot save the module to the PC using PCSDK

I'm trying to save the module from the REAL controller using PCSDK.
My code is simple and I'm pretty sure that there is no error there:

using (Mastership.Request(_controller))
           var _module = _tasks[0].GetModule("aa_refPositions");

If executed with the virtual controller it works as expected - saving the module 
under the provided path.
If executed with the real controller I get the following exception:

C004A000 : General file handling error.
ERROR: rdh_rapid.cpp[7851]: org_code: -530 new_code: 0xc004a000; 
Url:/RAPID/T_ROB1  Cmd:SET  Prop:SaveModule  Args:-File "C:/Users/domen/Documents/HyCoEx/Config/aa_refPositions.mod" -Name aa_refPositions  Elapsed:6  CurrentCmds:0
-00:00:10.4780016 [127] SendCommand url: cmd:Get prop:CurrentMaster2 arg:-Domain RAPID
-00:00:10.4760016 [127] status:SYS_CTRL_S_OK data:-Status NoMaster
-00:00:10.4750010 [128] SendCommand url: cmd:Set prop:RequestMaster2 arg:-Domain RAPID -Uid 3
-00:00:10.4730026 [128] status:SYS_CTRL_S_OK data:
-00:00:10.4730026 [129] SendCommand url:/RAPID/T_ROB1 cmd:Get prop:Childs arg:-mark 0 -noelts -1 -cc 0
-00:00:10.4630015 [129] status:SYS_CTRL_S_OK data:-noelts,all,mark,cc    29,1,        29,         0 Tools;SysMod aa_refPositions;P...
-00:00:09.5180004 [130] SendCommand url: cmd:Get prop:Mode arg:
-00:00:09.5150008 [130] status:SYS_CTRL_S_OK data:AUTO
-00:00:09.5140008 [131] SendCommand url: cmd:Get prop:CurrentMaster2 arg:-Domain CFG
-00:00:09.5120021 [131] status:SYS_CTRL_S_OK data:-Status HeldRemote -Uid 3 -app "PCSDK" -loc "DESKTOP-62NEOBJ" -alias "HyCoEx"
-00:00:09.5120021 [132] SendCommand url: cmd:Set prop:ReleaseMaster2 arg:-Domain CFG -Uid 3
-00:00:09.5099973 [132] status:SYS_CTRL_S_OK data:
-00:00:09.5099973 [133] SendCommand url: cmd:Get prop:CurrentMaster2 arg:-Domain RAPID
-00:00:09.5090022 [133] status:SYS_CTRL_S_OK data:-Status HeldRemote -Uid 3 -app "PCSDK" -loc "DESKTOP-62NEOBJ" -alias "HyCoEx"
-00:00:09.5080018 [134] SendCommand url: cmd:Set prop:ReleaseMaster2 arg:-Domain RAPID -Uid 3
-00:00:09.5059999 [134] status:SYS_CTRL_S_OK data:
-00:00:00.0119998 [135] SendCommand url:/RAPID/T_ROB1/aa_refPositions cmd:Get prop:ModInfo arg:
-00:00:00.0089962 [135] status:SYS_CTRL_S_OK data:000000
-00:00:00.0070003 [136] SendCommand url:/RAPID/T_ROB1 cmd:SET prop:SaveModule arg:-File "C:/Users/domen/Documents/HyCoEx/Config/aa_refPositions.mod" -Name aa_refP...
00:00:00 [136] status:SYS_CTRL_E_GENERAL_FILE_ERROR data:ERROR: rdh_rapid.cpp[7851]: org_code: -530 new_code: 0xc004a000; 

Path is 100% good, it points to the folder that exists, and it works just fine when saving the file from the virtual controller.

I think that the Real controller doesn't have permission to modify anything on the hard drive (it's recognized as an external device, without any access to the Windows file system?).

I changed access to the folder, I set it to allow access for Everyone. I made a folder shared in the private network. What else should I do? 

Any other operations on the real controller through PCSDK work as expected (loading modules, starting RAPID etc.)


  • Hello,
    Did you make sure that you are logged onto the controller with a user with the correct user permits?

    Nils Olofsson
    PC Software Support Engineer

  • Yes, im pretty sure about that - im logging as DefaultUser (the same for virtual cell). I checked the permissions in RS and DefaultUser has all possible permissions I think.