Create Mechanism

Hello, I'm trying to make a mechanism for this gripper model Designed on Inventor for my Final Year Project. I'm unable to do it as when I attempted to create links, the only thing that shows up in components is the entire assembly. Is there a way to convert the assembly file such that it splits into multiple components in RobotStudio? Heres my file

This is the tutorial I'm following if that helps


  • Hello, you can split the assembly in RobotStudio. It´s also important to place the components correct relative the RS world origin, and zero the local origin in each component. I have attached a zip-file with your assembly divided and placed correct.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hello, I'm not able to import those files "Failed to import C:\OneDrive\Desktop\Gripper and Finger Assembly 2_Merged.sat 12/7/2020 4:11:20 PM General"

  • Try this instead.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Armbross
    edited December 2020
    it works thnk you. just curious how you split the assembly in RS? Also the Finger Assembly that you send in the zip file is different from what I had in mind in Inventor can you split it for me in the meantime. Really appreciate your help.
  • You just drag and drop (or cut and paste) the components in the Layout browser. Then position them correct, use Merge to Part and then Set Local Origin to zero.
    I can´t see anything that differ in the last "finger assembly"  you sent. 

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • ok thnk you so much