Nozzle Sensing

Can anyone please explain how to do nozzle sensing?


  • Can you explain your problem in more detail? I don't know what nozzle sensing means.
  • It has been many years but as I recall we would move the robot to a switch which would be made by the nozzle, if it was still present.  I am assuming that you mean mig welding nozzle.  After going to the torch cleaner we needed to male sure that the reamer had not pulled the nozzle off.  You could as well program a search function with a switch being the input that you need to come on.
    Lee Justice
  • Yes Sir
    I meant mig welding nozzle, could you pls explain me how to setup smartac.
  • Subhodeep said:
    Yes Sir
    I meant mig welding nozzle, could you pls explain me how to setup smartac.
    The SmarTac Manual explains the setup well. Follow the details in the manual and setup accordingly.

    Inside the manual, there is also sample routines which will help you with the search functions.

    Manual is attached. 

  • Dear sir 
    I have gone through the manual, so if you can see the above picture they are saying about Channel 11 & 12.
    So where can I find the two channels.
  • What version of RobotWare are you using?

    These days there is no physical SmarTac board it is done in software, with the welding equipment doing the work regarding sensing voltage and if applicable wire or gas cup.
  • RobotWare version is
  • Try this version of the manual

  • Sir This manual also says the same thing, what to do now?
  • Do you have a SmarTac board or the Software version?
  • Sir as I checked it was written as 657-1 Smartac IO version
    Or else pls guide me where can I find the board or the Software version
  • Sorry I used the wrong terminology - IO version is what I should of said.
    Page 20 and the next few pages give direction on the setup of the config files.