Tool Change using Smar Component

Hello, I'm trying to make a tool change simulation for a Pick & Place operation. I've read other forums saying to use smart component to do so but haven been able to find a clear tutorial on how to do it. 


  • Hello,

    Yes, smart components is a good way to attach and detach tools in a simulation.
    can you elaborate on where you run into issues? Or is it the use of smart components in general that you need help with?

    Keep in mind that tools are graphical components and not parts, so if you identify the tool with a sensor that reacts on parts the tool won't attach.

    Nils Olofsson
    PC Software Support Engineer

  • "Or is it the use of smart components in general that you need help with?"
    It's just this actually.
    Can't find a guide/Tutorial online about it.
  • My problem right now is I cannot detach the tool back to its original position

  • Set KeepPosition on the Detacher SC to False.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Hello,
    I created this little video on one way to compose a smart component for a tool change application. 
    I hope it can guide you to a solution.

    Nils Olofsson
    PC Software Support Engineer

  • Thanks for the video it was helpful