Robot status to HMI with I/O interface

Hi there,
I need to make some simple HMI solution to communicate with ABB IRC5 controller. Basically I need to make some simple application in HMI side to select program what to use (numerical value) and then start/stop/reset robot sequence. That side is clear, but then I need also to show in HMI side that robot program is running, robot is in auto mode. That is clear too. But then what I cannot solve is to have some digital output which changes status if program is having for example ErrWrite linen in RAPID side. Is there simple solution for that or do I really need to make own error module which sets some do on. I know that there are own dedicated outputs in KUKA and Fanuc robots so I really hope that ABB is also having that.


  • There is a system output for Execution error, among other things too.
    Lee Justice
  • Thanks for your info, I saw that execution error system output. But what kind of syntax I need to use in RAPID side that this system output execution error goes on? I have tried ErrWrite, ErrRaise, ErrLog..... 
  • When there is an execution error like, for example, division by zero, execution error will automatically turn on, there is no programming required.
    Lee Justice