Hot Keys ask

Is it possible to change the "num" in the "program data" via hot keys? eg: reg1
I need that when I press the hot key 2, a window will appear, to select the 7th variant. Each variant would change "reg1" to 0-6.
It is possible? How?

IRB 4600 , RobotWare 5.15.5001.05


  • When you say "hot key" do you mean programmable key?
    Lee Justice
  • yes
  • You would need to make an interrupt, and in the corresponding trap routine use a user prompt to enter the integer value.
    Lee Justice
  • I created a function on 4 keys, I have a signal, but I can't make a choice. I tried to edit "BackTask" I restarted the controller but it doesn't work for me.

    my changes in "BackTask"

    IF OpMode() = OP_AUTO THEN
     IF Doutput(doProgramKeyP1)=1 and doutput(doTache1EnCycle) = 1 ViewerAuto;
        IF Doutput(doProgramKeyP2)=1 ChoiceLanguage;
        IF Doutput(doProgramKeyP3)=1 ModeRobot;
        IF Doutput(doProgramKeyP4)=1 Zmena_Vysky;

    PROC Zmena_Vysky()
        sListView := [[" ",strgfile{27}],["",""],["",""]];
        ListView sListView,sHeader,btnButton,icon,nMaxTime;

      IF nChoice=1 THEN
    !!!!!!!!!!!!Possition 0
        PERS num vyska:=0;
                TPWrite strgfile{1};
        TPWrite strgfile{27};

    PROC zmena_vysky()

    can you help me,what i working bed? :D
  • I need it to be able to change in automatic mode without interrupting the cycle.
  • I do not see anything that would set the value for nChoice.  Perhaps you mean to use UINumEntry.
    Lee Justice
  • i sended message for you.