RobotStudio event

TriggSpeed and TCP Velocity system output

TriggSpeed instruction allows for generating an analog output voltage proportional TCP velocity. Does anyone know how the analog output voltage is generated internally? From Signal analyzer online, I can see analog output tracking the TCP velocity even during acceleration and deceleration phases. I am just curious as to how this is implemented internally in the controller. Can anybody familiar with the internals of IRC5 controller explain this or point me to a document?



  • @xerim, I am familiar with the synatx and usage of TriggSpeed instruction. I am more interested in the internal working of the IRC5 controller to produce the signals. More specifically, how does IRC5 calculate TCP velocity and how is the DipLag delay used to produce analog output voltage. 
  • From what I understand, the TCP speed is essentially computed in real-time by feeding position encoder values to a forward kinematics model of the arm.

    Perhaps with some additional signal processing to get a smooth estimate of speed from position.

    Is my understanding reasonably accurate?