Design View ERRORs in RAB 5.08


since I moved on RAB 5.08  a  working project,  I cannot  see  anymore the  design  view. In the  attached   picture  you  can  see  the  error   massage  from VStudio .Net 2005




Oscar Ferrrato


  • Hello

    I believe this has to do with your FP SDK references.

    First verify that the references you have added to your project point at RAB 5.08. (Open the cs.proj file in a text editor and check the references path)

    Then make sure that the assemblies added to the Visual Studio Toolbox (to be able to use the Designer for the FP controls) are the same ones.

    I hope this will solve your problem.

    Best regards,

    Ingela Brorsson
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics, Sweden