IRC 5 FTP Server

We just received our first ABB robot with the IRC 5 controller. 

On our older S4C controllers I had them all on the Lan and used an FTP client to upload program changes, download backups, etc. 

I have placed the controller on the network and attempted to connect using my ftp client.  I can't find anywhere in the documentation what the ftp username/password is.  When I attempt to connect I get the error "530 Login Failed." and can't connect. 

Could anyone tell me what the login info is?



  • You can use any non-blank user name and password.
    Russell Drown
  • Yeah, thats what I thought as well, since that is how all of the older S4C controllers are set up. 

    When I attempt to connect to the IRC5 however, I get the login failed.

    Here is what I see in my ftp client when I try a non blank user name and pwd.  In this case abb and abb.

          Status: Connecting to ...
          Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
          Response: 220 ABB Robotics FTP server (VxWorks5.5.1) ready.
          Command: USER abb
          Response: 331 Password required
          Command: PASS ***

    Response: 530 Login failed.
  • Hi

    If you don't have the option "pc interface 616-1" you can only use the service connection.

    Have you tryed the ftp in Robotstudio online on the service connection ?

    Knud Erik Lindberg
    Jorgensen Engineering
  • That I have not.  After reading some of the other posts I was feeling sort of sheepish, thinking that I better try the service port.

    I will give it a shot and let you know what happened. 

    I have a feeling I am going to need to get that option installed.  I like the functionality, and use it quite a bit.  I wonder how much that little sucker is?


  • Okay, I have figured it out.

    We had configured the UAS to provide different levels of access.  I logged in to the FTP site using the credentials I gave to an administrator type account and away I went.

    Now I have the functionality that I had been missing most.

    I have looked, and I do not have the PC-interface option 616-1 and can still connect.  Robot Studio Online does tell me it can't connect when I try over the network because of the missing option.  But as long as I have FTP I'll be happy.


  • Thanks for the update.
    Russell Drown