How to change gundata with SpotWelding

Hello everyone... i need your help please...
I am using an IRC5 controller, Robotware is 6.07.1, Robot is IRB7600.

I want to change the gundata (Deflectiondistance_z, Deflectiondistance_x and maximum TipWear). 
The ApplicationsManual says, i need to change the data in the Rapid, then do a "Reset Rapid" Restart. But then i have a System Failure. 
How do I successfully change the gundata?...

Anyone done that before and can help me with the Process?

Thank you in advane...
Best, Matthias


  • Sometimes I will edit a fresh backup, changing values present in all tasks which I want to update, and then do a restore.  You need to be careful and meticulous, with spotwelding you will have the same module in more than one task.  There will probably be the same module in the home directory which will be automatically loaded, so make sure that you get that one also.
    Lee Justice
  • Have you tried this?

  • Hello
    Thank you so much, both of you for your immediate help.
    I could achieve it with the first method. I just took a backup and edited the SWUSER Module manually. 
    When then restoring from this backup, the data was kept :smiley:

    Im really happy I could achieve this with your help!!! Thank you
    Best, Matthias