Limit and 40223 execution error

Hi im useing irb 1200 robot. 
And also using abb Cognex Camera. 
When i start the robot in automatic mod. Camera gives me this error.
Sometimes working fine with some .job files.
Sometimes not working other .job files.

Thank you for reading and answering.


  • What else is in your event log when error 40223 occurs? 
  • You need to find in the code of Kamera_Kontrol_PLC where it is getting the error, the error handler which is attempting the RETRY instruction, and why it is failing.  Presumably because whatever you are trying to capture with the camera or calculate is failing.
    Lee Justice
  • xerim said:
    What else is in your event log when error 40223 occurs? 
    just normal event logs. nothing different
  • lemster68 said:
    You need to find in the code of Kamera_Kontrol_PLC where it is getting the error, the error handler which is attempting the RETRY instruction, and why it is failing.  Presumably because whatever you are trying to capture with the camera or calculate is failing.
    i tried every thing. But i did not find nothing. If you want i can copy the Kamera code here.
  • I suppose, as long as it is not some huge bunch of code.
    Lee Justice
  • The controller is telling you that there is no error handler for that specific problem.

    I typically do the following to try and root cause:

    If you know where in the code it is failing you can add:
         TEST ERRNO
         CASE ERR_MAXTIME (Or other errors): 
            !//If you don't know the error RAISE will give more information to the user when it fails.

  • Dedex
    edited February 2021
    Here is the my code  block for Kamera_kontrol_plc. İssiue still  continues.I cant find any solution.
  • Change the error handler from IF to TEST CASE with a DEFAULT.
           !Find the value in errnum datatypes of ERRNO, match it with the predefined errors.

    I am pretty sure that the IF DI_25_PLC_Resim_Cec=0 THEN  statement never gets evaluated because RETRY takes execution back to where the error instruction originated.  You can also use instruction ResetRetryCount but you may get caught in that loop forever.  What you really need to do is find out what the root cause is for not getting good camera result.  You could also add a numeric variable to increment every time it enters that error handler so that you can get some idea of how many times it is doing so.  BTW, you could have copied that code and pasted it in here without taking pictures.
    Lee Justice
  • i take system fail again.Do you guys other idea?
  • What have you changed (or not changed) that has put the robot into system failure?
    Lee Justice
  • i am change the rapid like this.

    Change the error handler from IF to TEST CASE with a DEFAULT.
           !Find the value in errnum datatypes of ERRNO, match it with the predefined errors.

    than later i change the IF DI_25_PLC_Resim_Cek=0.
    Fail again.

    BTW i checked the cognex camera lights and everything looks good. When i want to connect integrated vision i cant do that. I restrated the robot and than later i connect the camera. 4-5 hours later i want to check the camera again and camera had stopped. Than later i restared the robot again. than later same thing again.

    In-sıght explorer version 5.07.00 Camera firmware version 4.10.02

  • Declare a numeric variable, increment it each time it goes into the error handler so you can check on how many times it errors.  You can still try ResetRetryCount but maybe you want to also stop it at a certain limit so that you do not get caught in an infinite loop.  In this case, RAISE an error notifying you or the user to investigate what is going on to cause the camera to fail.
    Lee Justice