Mirroring screen on PC

Hi guys,
is it possible to mirror the Flexpendant screen made by screenmaker on PC? I think that not but I need to be sure. It would help me a lot.



  • You can mirror the Flexpendant screen to a running Robotstudio. The mechanism take a screen print and store the data. During this process the Flexpendant is not responding to any input. So be careful if you let do this automatically with a fixed time interval. 
    Joerg Vogel
    Hochschule Hannover
    University of Applied Sciences and Arts
    IRB120 - RW5.61, RW6.13 - IRC5 compact

  • Thanks for the answer. I know about this possibility, but I rather thought some application in PC like Runtime version or something like this. I have a screen made by screenmaker and I wanted to show this screen to the Operator in the Control room (not to control, only to see). For example if I use ABB CP600 operator panel in production line, I can connect from pc to the panel by HMI Client version in PC. Something like this.