Installing Virtual Controller

edited February 2021 in RobotStudio
Hi there,
I am learning ABB robotics and running 30 days trial licence and I am trying to install virtual controller to it but i am not able to.I got it to the point to the screen shot attached below but it is asking for controller key which i do not know.Is there anything else i can do.
Any help would be appreciated.


  • Select a robotware version
    Lee Justice
  • hi Thanks for the Answer but i am not able to select it.It is not showing Anything blank.
  • You need to install RobotWare 5, ex. RW5.16, before creating a new system. 
  • It is likely that you have not yet installed any of the robotware versions, you should do such.  Install the version that you require, 7.XX for Omnicore controller and 6.XX or older for IRC5 controllers.
    Lee Justice