Velset in background task


I'm trying to make a background task which modifies the max speed using Velset by a variable sent via devicenet from a PLC.

I'm really trying everything i can but i can't find the way to do that.

Can anyone help, please?


  • This is the error I get. I guess I should configure the background task to control mechanical units, but I don't know how

  • Try setting it up like this, using SpeedRefresh

  • But where should i place that code? In a Motion task? In a semistatic task? How do I execute that Trap function?
  • Study the Technical Reference Manual - Rapid Instructions, Functions and Data

    Here is the page for SpeedRefresh

    As you can see, it states "This Instruction can only be used in the main task T_ROB1 or, if in a MultiMove system, in any Motion tasks." 
  • Thanks, I'll work on it. By the way, the robotware I'm using is older than this one, I'm using 5.07 since I need it to program an old robot
  • Looks like using this way I can't make it work like I would like to. I would like to set a % speed at anytime from PLC whenever I want, whatever the program is.
    I've seen the console has an option to set a % speed. Is there anyway to write into that address via devicenet? (I have a PLC connected to the controller by devicenet).

    Also a good alternative would be to activate or deactivate the variable SpeedLimit, which I already have it linked to a PLC variable. But I'd rather modify speed with different valors, not only one (like SpeedLimit).
  • LimitSpeed was introduced in RobotWare 5.15, so it wouldn't work if you have 5.07
  • Update the robotware.
    Lee Justice
  • Yes, I guess updating the real robot RW would be the best. Is there any limit or problem for updating it?
    The robot is an IRB660 and controller is IRC5 M2004.
    Also I should mention every test i did on robotstudio was using robotware 5.16
  • Since you are using 5.07 I would guess that the main CPU is the older type.  It will not take the newest RW, but you ought to be able to go to 5.16.
    Lee Justice