How do you change which side of the conveyor the Robot is on?

We have an IRC5P controller attached to an IRB580 manipulator with conveyor tracking installed. The robot has been moved from the right side of the conveyor to the left side. everything else has remained the same. Can  I change this in the robot configuration using Robot Studio? Any help appreciated.
 Everything was working great before the move.

Best Answers

  • xerim
    Answer ✓
    You need to define a new baseframe for the new robot position and then calibrate that baseframe, once you have done this you can transfer the values to RobotStudio
  • dynamuffin
    Answer ✓
    When we try to calibrate the conveyor base frame the pendant tells iss it is locked. Amy advice?
  • xerim
    Answer ✓
    Are you in manual mode?