Extend the robotstudio license expiration days

Hello guys,
Hope you all are well.
I installed the demo version of robot studio and i got it free for 30 days.i just want to know is there any way to extend the deadlines.It would be highly appreciated.


  • Joerg_5
    edited February 2021
    Acquire a license. 
    But you are violating the license agreement, you have accepted by using the demo version. And anyone, who have accepted such license agreement and is willingly helping you in such an attempt, is violating his/ her agreement, too. DO NOT DO THIS. It is absolutely inappropriate proposal at all. 
    Joerg Vogel
    Hochschule Hannover
    University of Applied Sciences and Arts
    IRB120 - RW5.61, RW6.13 - IRC5 compact

  • Hi thanks for the answer.
    The only reason i'm asking for this is since i am a student still and i do not have much money to buy the licence key.
  • Jonty, schools and universities are eligible for free school licenses.
    Please contact your school/university and ask them for a license.
    They in turn should contact their local ABB contact via https://new.abb.com/contact-centers and ask for one (unless they already have one).

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer