Controller options Profinet fieldbus adapter

Dear friends, 

I am currenty working on a project where i have to eshablish abb plc comunication. I would like to use Profinet fieldbs adapter. 
I have main computer 639 with RobotWare 5.16. However i cant see the profinet option in my system. 

How can i add this option to my system?


  • I tried to modify my system to ad new option. But profinet fieldbus is not in the list. Please help this hopeless student ...
  • I tried to modify my system to ad new option. But profinet fieldbus is not in the list. Please help this hopeless student ...
  • Hello.
    To add options to a real controller you need the correct license key, Please contact you local ABB if you want to purchase additional options for your controller.

    Nils Olofsson
    PC Software Support Engineer

  • Hey Nils,
    I have application manual of Profinet field bus adapter. Here it does not say anything about license key.
    Also, I am trying to add this function without mounting the Profinet adapter on computer. So i actualy have no profinet hardware

    Do you think is that might be a problem?
  • You should be able to add the option once you have the license for it.

    Nils Olofsson
    PC Software Support Engineer