Change robot speed during MoveL


We currently have a 6400 robot with an external axes (chuck) that we used to lay tape (side by side) on top of a mandrel with excellent accuracy.

At the moment, the robot arm (TCP) uses a defined speeddata and a function is called to define the position and desired speed of the external axis after the axis is activated just before the MoveL command. 

I believe that in most of the cases the calculated speed of the external axes limits the robot arm movement so all movements will finish executing at the same time.

Now, for quality tests, we need to decrease the quality of that alignment. I'm thinking that one way of  doing it will be to vary only the TCP speed during the linear move. Is that possible ? 

I was thinking, perhaps using the  IndDMove function or something similar, maybe  ?
I also had a look at the function speedrefresh , which I think it might work.

My biggest question is , would it be possible to apply any of the functions I mentioned to the TCP and not only a single axis ? 

I hope that my description makes some sense :smile:



  • I would use MoveAbsJ, if you only enter external axis values only the external axis will move and vice versa. 
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    The thing that you should know about SpeedRefresh is that it will also affect the external axis, not the robot alone.  It is a system setting, not mechanical unit alone.  I asked a long time ago if we could specify a mech unit alone, but not yet.
    Lee Justice