Multimove examples


I need an example of a program for a multimove coordinate systems! How I can make a robot folow a movement of other robot?

It's my first time with coordinate systems is anyone can help me!


Best regards,

Joao Fidalgo

joaof2007-4-26 13:18:9


  • Hi
    There are 2 multimove demostations installed with RS.
    - Just open one of them
    - Answer no on the question if vc should update position.
    - Restore the backup. Located in "my documents
    - After a restart of the virtual controller you have a working station.

    Hope this is enough to start with

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Hi PerSvensson

    Tanks for your help! These examples are very "nice"

    Now it works and its easy!

    I was in Sweden on last year in LidKoping and Stokolm!

    Sweden is a nice country! In July im going to Vasteras visit de ABB factory!