Upgrade gives error

I just upgraded my robot from 5.05 to 5.06.07. The upgrade seemed to go fine, and I followed what the migration guide told me to do, however when I try and run my old program it tells me "too close to singularity" and it will not allow me to run. Does anyone know how to fix this or what I did wrong?

dh_custompak2009-08-23 16:35:29


  • Nevermind I just saw it was only doing it on my first few movesimage the other moves i just tried seemed to work
  • Hi
    On robots that is bendbackward you have 3 singularity cases and robot that aren't bendbackwards have 2.

    But most of the cases are when you try to move linear from a positive to a negative(or the other way) value on axis 5.

    So I would focus on that.

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Thanks Per, that explains what it could be, I have one more problem though I just noticed image. For some reason it won't let me go to the i/o screen it sits at the "loading i/o" window.
  • Hi
    Could be that the io.cfg file differs between 5.05 and 5.06 so you may need to rewrite it. I have seen a conversion tool but in most cases you still need to do a lot of manual work because it's not a 100% conversion. 

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Thanks again Per, I think I will try and do that tomorrow.

    Thanks again,

    dh_custompak2010-05-30 04:40:25
  • Have a look at IO_MOST_COMMON in mmc.cfg as well, maybe you have a undefined signal in there.
  • Thank Hunke, I will try that also.

    dh_custompak2010-05-30 04:40:35
  • Why not upgrade to 5.08.03 ?


    The Robware versions are getting better every time image

  • My hardware does not give me that option, I already tried image it won't let you boot up normally, so the newest firmware I could get was 5.06.07 I will advise you to be carefull, it was very stressfull when I tried to upgrade to 5.08 with our older robot image

  • What hardware is not supported?
    Russell Drown
  • I mean my robot does not have the hardware to support it, I do not have enough rwm i have 64 mb 128mb is required for 5.07+

    dh_custompak2010-05-30 04:40:00
  • Hi

    i agreed with Per the eio.cfg may in different forms.

    do u slove this problem?
