How to use abb_robot_driver with robotStudio

I'm trying to setup this ROS driver to be used with RobotStudio.
  1. How can I set up a virtual controller that works with this and has EGM support
  2. Where can I find the controller's ip address?


  • IP address for the controller can be found if you click the ABB icon in the top left then System Info>Controller Properties>Network Connections>Service Port
  • dyu
    edited March 2021
    Thanks for your reply, I got the IP address from the virtual Flex Pendant -> Controller Properties -> Network Connections -> Service Port.

    When I try to run "ping <ip_address>" I get "request timed out" messages. To be able to make contact with the driver I need this to work. How can I fix this?
    Post edited by dyu on
  • Maybe it is being blocked by a firewall?