RobotStudio event

Safety IO's to IRC5


I need to wire few safety inputs into IRC5 (I have exchangeable tools and Safe move pro option. So when I change the tool, I need to change geometry of the tool in Safe move).

ABB recommends CI502-PNIO module, with safety IO's card's, but it's very pricey. I'm thinking about using Siemens safety PLC with safety DI card (1212FC + SM1226F-DI16) which is just couple hundreds bucks.

Any other ideas? Do I need other options then Safe move, to use Profisafe?




  • You need one of the Profisafe communications options on the controller:
    997-1 PROFIsafe F-Device
    997-2 PROFIsafe F-Host&Device
  • Thanks Graeme. If I use option 997-2, does IRC5 have full Safety Host functionality, so I can use just Safety IO module (IRC5 would control safety communication)?