RobotStudio event

Read PERS variable from YuMi using Robot Web Services 1.0

edited March 2021 in Developer Tools
I am running RW 6.11.02 on YuMI (IRB 14000).

To read a PERS variable  following command works on IRB 1200.

curl --digest -u "Default   User":robotics http://localhost/rw/rapid/symbol/data/RAPID/T_ROB1/user/reg1

What would be equivalent for YuMi (IRB 14000) with RW 6.11.02 on left arm and right arm?

/rw/rapid/symbol/data/RAPID/T_ROB_L/user/reg1 doesn’t work.

Path `/rw/rapid/symbol` doesn't exist
Post edited by Nils Olofsson on


  • Hello,
    I moved the post to the Developer tools category.

    What response do you get? I tested the same thing with postman and it works just fine. 

    Nils Olofsson
    PC Software Support Engineer