'Insufficient memory' message

I'm getting an 'insufficient memory' message come up when trying to load a particular paint recipe for our robot through RobTalk.  I can't edit the file (thought about copying then renaming it in case the file is corrupt), as I just get the memory message with no option to do anything else.  

The robot is a TR5002 and the control panel is a C5.3A

Any ideas as to what I can do, or is it a case of just having to write out the program again?


  • Are you talking about disk space or RAPID program memory? 
  • Hi xerim - i'm assuming memory, not hard disk drive space.  The paint recipe's already there, it just wouldn't load up. What we've now done is re entered the program again, and we can now use it.  I'm guessing for some reason the original just went corrupt.
  • And now it's happened again with the new recipe - any ideas?
  • Hello Simon,

    I'd recommend you to contact your local ABB with this issue.


    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Hello Simon,

    I'd recommend you to contact your local ABB with this issue.

    That's probably a good idea, thanks Maxim
  • Unfortunately they can't help as the equipment's too out of date
  • Have you tried backing up everything and then performing a P-Start? You will have to load your system again from backup