RobotStudio event

ABB robots load calculation program

Hi everybody,

Is there any load calculation program available for ABB robots? (Same as "KUKA Load" for KUKA robots). KUKA Load get tools data and robot type and draw the load diagram and user can export the diagram to an excel sheet. Actually I need IRB 7600 load diagrams.

Many thanks before for your helps.



  • Hi,

    In CD that comes with ABB robot you can find the load diagram of your robot! I don't know if is this diagram that you talk!


    Best reagards,

    Joao Fidalgo

  • Hi,

    I know this diagram should be existed in the product manual of the robot but I need this diagram for checking the possibility of using the robot before buying it and this is not possible at this time with information exist in ABB.

    Best reghards,


  • PerSvensson
    PerSvensson ✭✭✭

    I would suggest that you use RobotStudio because there you have everything you need(and much more) to be sure that you order the correct robot.
    - Load
    - Reach (in 3D)
    - Cycletime

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering