50026 Singularity or Zone error¼ 0223 02:56.2

(Irb 6400): S/N= 64-13958

We are having a Singularity or Zone error. It will go to a moveJ, but nothing else

I can move it in single axis mode only,(very slow), any other modes will give me the same error.

I did a restart, restore, and a prg change but didn’t help.

It was run last night and no record of this problem, it was at its home position,

When we started it this morning and got this error.

I am able to get it to  cal check and all points are correct.

I'm going to do a cold start and see if it will work.


  • The cold start has fixed it for now. What could cause it to do that? 
  • Could be a Zone near a singularity. What are the axis values in that point?