Profinet connection with Lemcom Coval

I am trying to connect Coval (profinet) Lemcom module with an Irc5 RW6.11
I do receive the inputs but the module does not receive the robot outputs ...
Has anyone worked with these modules before?
(I have of course the profinet option and the gsdml file from Coval)


  • aremus
    edited May 2021

    just to understand, in your setup, is Coval supposed to be the PROFINET Controller (Master)?

    If this is the case then you need the GSDML of the IRC5 to be fed to Coval configurator program (related discussion How to properly setup a PROFINET device with a given GSDML — ABB Robotics User Forums (
  • No, the robot is the master.
    I put the gsdml file in the irc5.
    The robot receives the inputs correctly but there is a problem on the outputs. For example with bit 0, I activate 2 commands (vaccum and blowing ...) I specify that all the other bits are at 0
    Thank you for your interest
  • I answer myself:
    You need a roboware version 6.12 minimum to be compatible with Coval
  • I am having the same issue with bit 0 activating vacuum and blowing on the Coval/Lemcom master. Is it true that robotware needs to be 6.12 or newer? Just want to confirm before going through RW updating. 
  • Hi Francois,

    Could you share where the information about minimun RW 6.12 requirements is showed?
    Could you share a robot backup or EIO.cfg file?

    Thank you.