RobotStudio event

YuMi's arm angle definition

We've recently acquired four single-arm YuMis for our undergraduate robotics course, in addition to our IRB 1600. I am preparing the modifications for my course, and I just can't get over the fact that there is virtually zero mention of YuMi in ABB programming documentation. For example, there is no mention of the "arm angle" in the definition of a robtarget. In fact, there is absolutely no mathematical definition of the arm angle. Am I missing a manual??? 


  • ABB_YuMiGuide
    Hi @Ilian Bonev I am contacting the product support for ABB Cobots and will get back to you in a short while.
  • houlam
    ABB_YuMiGuide Please also give me a document about ABB yumi old arm-angle definition. I guess it should be robotware6.03 document that mentions this, It's almost impossible to find online.thank you very much!
  • ABB_YuMiGuide
    @houlam I have asked the the cobot experts to reach back to me, I will post the answer here. Please stay tuned.
  • ABB_YuMiGuide
     Here is the definition of the parameter and how to change from new to old. Please keep in mind that that parameter exists until RW 6.07, after that just new values are allowed and there is no backward compatibility.

    Hope this can help you.

    I am now trying to upload the document on the ABB library, so that you other people can find it as well.

  • Miladasgari98
    Hello cam you please let us know what is the definition of arm angle?