Cannot Create Module

I can load a module but cannot access it, change it.  I try to create module and it comes up with this message.  The workcell is a copy of my workcell and it works on my workcell.  The customer is having a problem with his workcell. 


  • Are you using the rapid editor or the virtual pendant?  What are the attributes of that module?
    Lee Justice

  • Creating through rapid in robot studio
  • OK, that is what create module looks like, what does it look like when you load it?
    Lee Justice
  • These are the attributes I create the module with.  It immediately comes up with this error and will not create the module.  When I load a module it shows up but when I try to modify the name in the rapid editor it will not allow me to apply changes and comes up with this error.  
  • When you load the module what are its attributes?
    Lee Justice
  • Sorry Lee I'm new to this.  Been a long time Fanuc guy.  I'm assuming that you are asking what the attributes are when I pull up the module in rapid.  I created the file on my workcell.  I had the customer load the pack n go that I created from the same workcell which was created from a backup of a system on our floor.  I can create the module on my system, but when I try to load onto his (same workcell) I get this error and cannot create any modules.  I'm wondering if I'm dealing with a licensing issue???  Again, right now the workcell is created from a backup of a dual multi move robot that is on our floor.  In the workcell it shows the serial number of that particular robot.  Is that why I'm having problems?

  • Maybe it is somehow corrupt.  Open it in a text editor and see if anything seems strange.  How big is the module?  Can you post it here?
    Lee Justice