Siemens S7-1500 ProfiSafe, Profinet, TCP/IP, two controllers, same switch

Hi everyone.

I have an upcoming project where both PLC and robot will act as Profinet controllers. 

We have done similar setups before with tcp/ip, profisafe and profinet mixed on the same switch and it worked great, but those times robot hasn't been PN controller (888-2).

This time we wan't the robot to be controller of Fronius welder with option Profinet device, and at the same time the robot should act as a device to Siemens S7-1500 FailSafe cpu.

Has anyone done something like this? When reading Profinet Application manual I get a feeling that it should work.
Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer


  • Update:
    It worked fine.
    Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer