Virtual FlexPedant hanging and not opening

Hi All.

My RS Virtual FlexPendant is hanging and not opening up at all. Yesterday afternoon everything was still working but this morning, the same system and station, is non responsive in RS on the Virtual FlexPendant.

I have done the following already:
1) Restored a backup of the system before the changes I have made yesterday afternoon.
2) Ran the RS Installation file, and selected the "repair" option.
3) I have also ran the FlexPendantSDK 6.12 installation file, and also selected the "repair      option.

Problem still persists.

I have the same system as my RC and run simulations of changes on RS before implementing it on the RC.

Anyone have any idea what could cause this an how to fix this issue?

Best Answer

  • jmf
    Answer ✓
    I got it working now. There was a file or item missing in one of the system's folders. I went and deleted everything in that specific folder and redone everything from scratch. I got it working now. Thanks for your response.


  • Hello jmf,

    It's difficult to guess what the cause might be. Perhaps a windows update took place? Or something else?

    Best bet would be to contact your local ABB and look at the logs.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer