RobotStudio event

Robot has too much security


I am having difficulties connecting to one of our robots with r.s.o. my co workers can how ever for some reason it will not allow me too image the robot was set up before I started working here so I am guessing the security won't allow my mac address to connect, I am confused on where to go to turn this security off can some one please help me, it makes programming the robot an extreme painimage.

Thanks in Advance,

dh_custompak2010-05-30 04:38:14


  • Check your RSO revision and the system revision at the site.  I have had difficulty connecting to robots running older robotware releases while trying to use RSO 5.08.  Mainly it is the file management tool.  I can access the controller fine but for file transfers I tend to use a third party FTP client.  Also check the User Authorization setup.  The system you are trying to access may have a specific login with more privilidges.  I hope this helps.

