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Configure Profinet device on an IRC5 pre 6.08


I have a robot IRB6650 with an IRC5 robotware 6.06. The robot has the option 888-2 PROFINET Controller/Device and has a CI502 bus module with a DX581 profisafe module.

I need to add another PROFINET device to it. When looking at the I/O Configurator in RobotStudio it looks straight forward to do. However, in the Application manual, PROFINET Controller/Device, 3HAC065546-001 it is written that the I/O configuration can not be used with my version of RobotWare.

For RobotWare 6.08and previous, to be able to configure the PROFINET controller,
an external PROFINET configuration tool is needed. There are two different versions
available: PROFINET-IO Configurator Express and PROFINET-IO Configurator
Professional. Supplied in the RobotWare distribution package is the Express

I can not find any PROFINET-IO configurator. But where do I find this program? It is not among my installation files for RobotStudio nor can I download it from ABB's site.

The robot is in full time production on another site and to have access to it is hard. I need to be sure to not mess anything up once I start.

Could someone give me a hint on how to proceed? What software could I use and it would be great with an instruction list.


  • I found the ProfiNet-IO Configurator. It is inside the RobotWare package 6.05 but not in the 6.13.
    The how-to is described in an older version of 
    Application manual, PROFINET Controller/Device. I found, after some digging, a version for RobotWare 6.01.

    What I need to do is to create a new profinet configuration in the program from scratch.
    What's worries me is that there are some large differences in the resulting ippnio.xml from the existing one. Well, I'll find out in a couple of days.

    If I'm of the mark, do please let me know :smile:

  • Upgrading to RW 6.13 is free and easy. 
    As long as the rest of your system is compatible, but I don’t think there has been any major braking changes between 6.08 and 6.13.

    In my experience the profinet system is a lot better with the newer RW with better diagnostic and error messages when things are not working.
    And of course easier with robotstudios built in I/O Configurator. 

    I think there was an addin called I/O Configuration beta in robotstudio’s addin tab you had to install manually back in 6.04+
    That worked almost like the new one, but I would recommend upgrading RW if that’s a possibility. 
    Systemintegrator - Web / C# / Rapid / Robotstudio

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    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group
  • Hi,
    Thanks for the comment.

    The whole thing actually got a lot messier.
    The other device is actually a FANUC robot with a Siemens CP1604 Profinet card. These does not come with a GSDML file, I needed to generate one with TIA portal. That is fairly straight forward as I happen to have TIA Portal.

    Next issue is with my generated GSDML file (side story, the generated GDSML file from TIA is v2.32. I had to change PROFINET configurator. The one in RobotWare package 6.05 had version v1.21.1 and does not accept GDSML above 2.3!! The Profinet Configurator in RobotWare package 6.08 was of a never version). When I configure my network in PROFINET configurator OR I/O configurator, the size of the I/O modules are 0 bytes. And I have not figured out yet why.

    My work-around will be to set the ABB as device and the FANUC robot as Controller. It's a breeze to set it up in TIA Portal.

    About the upgrade. I have the plugin RW Machine Tending 6.06 on my ABB robot. The latest I can find is 6.10. Do you know if the revisions need to go hand in hand?
  • Should not be a problem.
    I think 6.10 also uses the new I/O Configuration tool.
    But it's easy to downgrade robotware aswell.
    Just make sure to take a backup before so things don't get lost when installing the new system. 
    Systemintegrator - Web / C# / Rapid / Robotstudio

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    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group