VSTA: CollisionDetecetor

I would like to check the working object:

RsWorkObject rsObj = station.ActiveTask.ActiveWorkObject;

and the working tool:

RsToolData rsTool = station.ActiveTask.ActiveTool;

for collisions using CollisionDetector.CheckCollision(GraphicComponent object1, GraphicComponent object2,...). How do i cast a RsWorkObject/RsToolData to a GraphicComponent?
apox2007-5-18 10:10:20


  • PerSvensson
    PerSvensson ✭✭✭
    I'm not sure what you are trying to do.
    But it's not possible to do collision detection between two rapid data types.
    Collision detection is done between graphical objects which is probaly in your case the graphical tool (not the tooldata) and the part/fixture where you have defined your workobject.

    Hope it gave some help to solve your problem
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering