RobotStudio event

Service Information System (SIS) parameters reset/changed

Can SIS parameters be changed or reset by any other means beside calling CallServiceRoutine on FPU? 

I have tried looking up RWS and PCSDK but haven't got any clue.
In PC SDK, we have parameters such as "elapsed calender time since last service" which can be "get" using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.MotionDomain. However, in the API references, it also states the declaration to be "public TimeSpan ElapsedCalenderTimeSinceLastService { get; set; }". So I think there may be a way to "set" the value.
However, when I tried to implement it on PC SDK, the 
ElapsedCalenderTimeSinceLastService is ReadOnly and is protected.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.